Monday, November 22, 2010

Thar She Blows!

Get ready for some really BIG fun at Turtle Rock Resort.  We do mean BIG.

Humpback Whale Under Water
Numerous whales migrate south past the Southern Oregon coast from summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to the breeding and calving lagoons of Baja, California toward the end of December and early January.  They may be seen returning from Baja and traveling north during late March.  

The State of Oregon sponsors a program called Whale Watching Spoken Here posting trained volunteers at key spots during the prime migration along the coast.  The volunteers explain the migration to visitors and locals and help you spot these incredible creatures.

Cape Sebastian State Park is one of the best whale watching spots and is only six miles south of Turtle Rock Resort in Gold Beach, just off Highway 101.  It’s high cliffs and panoramic views lend themselves to spotting the breaches and spouts of the whales.  The Whale Watching Spoken Here volunteers are stationed at Cape Sebastian December 21, 2010 to January 1, 2011 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. The volunteers will be here on the whales' return trip north March 19, 2011 to March 26, 2011. 

Come visit us and watch the whales!

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